<aside> ✨ Sharing is caring! And also in this case, sharing is $$$$$. Get 10% of the sale price for every new purchaser who books through your referral link!


I’m jazzed you’re interested in sharing AVATAR! Here’s how this program works.

Step 1: Share AVATAR

When sharing, give folks your referral link. Click here to generate your link. Use the email address where you received your Squarespace invite to your site.

They muuuuust use your link to purchase, otherwise it won’t count! No ifs and or buts about it.

When they purchase, they get access to this program, too!

circle of life.gif

Links to Share

Ways to Share

Socials, email, text, DM, whatever. It’s all good!

You can keep the attribution in the footer on your site (you’re free to change how it looks). Just update the link to use your referral code.

Feel free to share any of my IG posts or Reels about AVATAR and add your link to it via stories

Step 2: Cash Out

<aside> ✨ Funds dispense at the end of the month in which AVATAR is installed. This accounts for folks who purchase with the payment plan.


A sale is considered complete when the template is installed. This is to account for folks who are using the payment plan.

At the end of each month, I’ll run a report. For each person you referred, you get 10% of the total cost they paid. No, you can’t refer yourself.

Funds will be dispensed on the last business day of the month.